There are several other considerations which buyers may or may not be aware of. Much of the sales data on the internet is outdated. Sites like Trulia and Zillow are notorious for displaying outdated information such as sales data or current listing prices. Only a realtor can provide you with up-to-date and accurate sales data for Homes for Sale Lawrence, KS.
Many buyers just do not have the eduction or experience to interpret the sales and market data. For example I use absorption rates to compile and evaluate actual sales data that includes any seller concessions that might have been paid at closing. Lawrence, KS Homes for Sale data can be very confusing and buyers will do themselves a favor by making sure they understand it before making an offer on a Lawrence, Kansas Home for Sale.
Most buyers simply do not have the time to thoroughly research the housing market and may also not fully understand the best type of property to purchase based on their individual needs. It has been my experience that many buyers start out with a desire to have one type of Lawrence, KS Home or floor plan and end up changing their minds after looking at several homes with that plan. For various reasons buyers change their minds about their dream home once they start working with a professional.
Many buyers do not understand "buyer representation". So many buyers are surprised to learn that in many areas the realtor fees are all paid for by the sellers. So to have buyer representation costs the buyers nothing. The buyers also do not understand that the listing agents are legally obligated to the sellers of Lawrence, KS Homes to get them the most money and the best terms. The seller's agents simply cannot represent the buyer's interest. The sellers of Lawrence, KS Homes for Sale are counting on their agent to do their best to negotiate a great deal for them. Shouldn't you, as a buyer, get that same kind of representation?
Most buyers are unfamiliar with the residential sales contracts and all the other legal documents that are utilized in the real estate transactions. A buyer can literally save themselves thousands of dollars by having a professional advocate working on their behalf. A realtor can keep a buyer from making mistakes that could get them sued or from buying a home that will cost them huge amounts of money, disappointment and /or regret.
Realtors can provide buyers information about lending and lenders. This is really the first step in the home buying process. If you as a buyer have not been approved for loan, then you are doing yourself a big disfavor by looking at homes before you know for certain that you can buy a home. Furthermore, until you've been approved you have no idea what price range you should be looking in.
Realtors can provide buyers with answers regarding the zoning restrictions and regulations, building codes that pertain to their new Homes Lawrence, KS, school information, neighborhood history and many other valuable data regarding the community. Location does matter and it matters most to home buyers.
Buyer's should do their homework before selecting a buyer's agent. Be certain that your choice of a real estate agent is based on the following criteria:
The person should be a "Realtor".
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